- In today's business
world a company without a website is not taken seriously?
- The
only thing worse for your business than not having a web
site is having a poorly designed web site?
- If a visitor doesn't see something load up within the first 15
seconds, odds are they will hit their "back"
- That
"bells & whistles" are a poor substitute for
"meat & potatoes"?
knows. We design web sites your visitors will find
informative and easy to navigate, with intuitive interfaces and
quick loading pages. And we make it attractive and
inviting - a welcome mat to all who enter your cyber home on the
web. We invite you to look over our Portfolio
and to see our reasonably priced Solutions.
We do not use cookie cutter
templates but custom design each site to fit your
needs. So your web site is as unique as you and your
business. We mix Microsoft Front Page with the power of raw
html programming. We can digitize and enhance your company logo for
web use, or create one from scratch, together with other custom
graphics, digital photography and scanning services, using hi-tech
equipment and premiere graphic software. We can do shopping
carts, Flash and more. Just as
important as what your visitors see on the pages is what is behind
them. Meta tags and search engine optimization, cgi, perl,
dhtml, javascript, and more. It's okay if you don't know what these
are -